Tuesday, December 17, 2013


          Current events have changed my outline for this chapter. The recent death of Nelson Mandela has provoked a fierce debate over just who that man was. He is being hailed as a great peace advocate who ended Apartheid in South Africa after being wrongfully imprisoned and persecuted for his beliefs. Mandela, according to the prevalent rhetoric, was an admirable man who fought tirelessly for the oppressed, who should be remembered as an example of the rewards of perseverance, and who should be an inspiration to all.
            Please give me a moment while I become ill. I am familiar with revisionist history, but I have never seen such blatant propaganda arise in such a short period of time in my life. Permit me to set the record straight. Nelson Mandela was a terrorist. I will repeat: Nelson Mandela was a terrorist. He was not imprisoned for his political beliefs. He was imprisoned and sentenced to 27 years for his work in building rockets, land mines, etc., for training other terrorists, and for his own participation in terrorist activities.
            Following is a short list of Mandela’s crimes, from before, during, and after his years in prison:
            As you can see, Nelson Mandela was a real pacifist, a champion of human rights; in fact, I do not know why the Vatican has not already recommended him for sainthood. It is maddening to listen to world leaders drone on at great length about this symbol of freedom, who openly endorsed and assisted the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat, Muammar Gaddafi, Fidel Castro, and the like. His support of the Palestinians (yes, from behind bars) was partially responsible for the 1972 Munich Massacre and countless other terrorist acts perpetrated against Jews. Yet, even Israelis are extolling this man’s virtues. Such complete ignorance of the truth is incomprehensible to me.
            Since the subject of this book is Israel, and the journey on which she has taken me, I will begin with Israel’s long history of terrorism, enslavement, Apartheid, human rights violations, occupation…oh, wait a minute. Did the reader think I was talking about Israel’s perpetration of such atrocities? That is an understandable mistake given all of the anti-Israel, anti-Jew “information” that is bandied about incessantly. But no, I am referring to Israel’s millennia-old victimization by the abuses listed above. Oppression of Israel is nothing new; it has been going on since the days of Jacob. And, certainly, Jews are by no means the only victims of mass genocide and captivity. However, my focus is on Israel, so the discussion will center on its history.
            Anyone who is familiar with the Old Testament will recall countless times in which Jews were forced from their homeland into exile and/or enslavement. Beginning with Egypt, continuing on with the Babylonians, the Philistines, the Romans, the Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and of course, the Nazis, Jewish history is replete with such stories. Hatred of Jews is so PERVERSE that America is hated precisely because of its support for Israel. Even individuals, such as myself, are singled out and despised if we dare to speak out on her behalf.
            But, why? What is the threat? Why are (at present) 15 million people world-wide the subject of a fear so deeply rooted that extremist elements will go to any and all lengths in their attempts to rid the planet of this people? For those who believe the Bible (the Tanakh), it is because of Israel’s repeated disobedience of God. There is something to be said for that explanation, but the picture is far darker, especially in this present age. How have people become so indoctrinated to the idea that Jews are “apes”, or “pigs”, or “dogs”, or “canaries”, or “mifchling” (German for “rats”)? Why do these same people believe the only “Solution” is to eradicate Israel?
          Modern-day terrorism has its roots in the Koran; indeed, this will come as a surprise to those who have not studied, but Hitler performed his deeds in part at the behest of the Muslim Brotherhood. The “Grand Mufti”, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was friends with Hitler, and he advised his friend to, “Kill all the Jews wherever you may find them”, advice the Fuhrer obviously took to heart. Yet, the Muslim Brotherhood is touted as being a “peaceful political organization”. It sounds pretty “peaceful” to me. But, let us go on.
          I recently encountered someone on the Internet who is doing a documentary on the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens, his aide Sean Smith, and two CIA agents who came to their assistance that fateful night, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. He plans to explore the connection between Benghazi and al-Qaeda. What caught my interest after we began “talking” was that he intends to link the two with Syria. It soon became clear that he had no idea about the terrorist networks in the Middle East and how they are interlinked.
          In Syria, there are no fewer than nine terrorist groups, not including the tens of thousands of freelancers who flocked to the region out of sheer blood-lust. Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Hamas, the FSA (Free Syria Army), al-Nusra, al-Shabaab (based in Somalia, of “Black Hawk Down” fame), and al-Sharia. Here is where the situation becomes slightly humorous. Hezbollah (supported by Iran) funds Hamas. Yet, Hezbollah is fighting with the Assad regime against Hamas, et. al. They are fighting the very people with whom they are allied?
          The fact is, all of these groups are allied in one way or another. The Muslim Brotherhood (based in Turkey, our NATO “ally”) spawned both Hamas and al-Qaeda (contrary to popular conspiracy theories, America did not create them). The Taliban is an “extreme” version of al-Qaeda which branched off during the Russian war in Afghanistan. Al-Nusra, al-Shabaab, and al-Sharia are also branches of al-Qaeda, although they fight amongst one another. In other words, Syria is a terrorist cluster-f***. These groups do not even care whom they kill. If someone from al-Nusra cannot find a member of Assad’s army or Hezbollah, he will simply kill someone from al-Shabaab. Welcome to the mind of a terrorist. It is all about blood. Preferably Jewish, Christian, and/or American blood (in that order of priority), but if none are available, anyone will do.
          Back to Israel. In 1947, the Jordanians were offered a very lucrative land deal, which would have given them 85% of what became Israel. Did they accept it? No. Instead, they vowed to “shove Israel into the Sea”. The Arabic world tried to make good on this vow in 1948 when they attacked the newly-formed nation one day after its declaration of Statehood. Israel won the War of Independence, which the Arab world dubbed “an-Nakba”, which means “disaster” or “catastrophe”. An-Nakba became the mantra for all future attacks against Israel, and is the reason the Arab world refuses to acknowledge the State’s existence to this day. In 1949, Israel’s borders were established by the 1949 Armistice Line, the so-called “pre-1967 borders” that are the subject of heated debate today. But, was this “catastrophe” Israel’s fault for winning the War, or was it the Jordanians’ fault for refusing the deal offered in 1947? In the words of Shimon Peres, “We cannot apologize for their mistake”.
         Thus began the long string of organizations that have formed over the years with the sole purpose of destroying this tiny nation. While the list is almost limitless, I will cover the most notable. First was the fedayeen, who conducted commando raids into the mid-1950’s. On their heels came al-Fatah, (AKA “Asifa”, meaning “storm), although it was not named officially until 1965. This group continues its work to this day. In 1964, the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) was formed, and from it came several offshoots, including the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), the DFLP (Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), and the infamous Black September. The ANO (Abu Nidal Organization) broke off from the PLO in the mid-1970’s and began its own reign of terror.
And, finally came Hamas in 1987. Remember the Hamas Charter? Much of it quotes Mohammed and the Koran. Following is the complete text with a brief introduction:
            With this brief overview of groups dedicated, not only to the destruction of Israel, but to the “liberation” of “Palestine”, I will now turn to the history of the “Palestinians”.
The “Palestinians”
            A mural is being painted on the Western Wall that is the epitome of revisionist history. The portrait claims to show the 3,500 year history of “Palestine”. I have a question: The Tanakh is replete with stories of epic battles between Israel and the Babylonians, Israel and the Syrians, Israel and the Philistines, etc. One would think that a people who existed 3,500 years ago would at some point have been mentioned. After all, Israel and the Palestinians have been going at it for a while now. My question is, why is there not one mention of a battle between Israel and the “Palestinians”?
            Perhaps the answer lies in history. First, going back to ancient times, there was a place called Jordan. It was located inside of what is now Israel. Trans-Jordan (which is now Jordan) lay across the river. The two existed for several thousand years.
(To be Continued)

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