Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14, 2014
Terrorist Group/World Stage Research Notes
            Let me put North Korea first, though it is slightly out-of-context; I need to get this in case I am unable to write any more. A few months ago, there was a ten-second story on the news about what appeared to be a brand new naval destroyer that had magically turned up in a Chinese port. It was flying the Iranian flag. The first question is, how did it get there? The media sure seemed to be stumped. If it sailed from Iran it would have been picked up, both on sonar and satellite. What if it was not built in Iran? Where else could it have been built? Russia? China? North Korea?
            Remember the photo op Rouhani had with Kim Jong Un shortly before he was sworn in as President of Iran? Israel is beside herself on the issue of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. Well, as I recall, North Korea already has “The Bomb”, and there have been “beneath the fold” stories recently that Jong Un has been test-firing more rockets. Why? They already have the capability, should they choose to make that move. Why the renewed testing? Why has America been silent on the issue? For whom is North Korea really testing those rockets? Themselves, or Iran? How difficult would it be to transport one or more nuclear weapons from North Korea to Iran? I seem to recall something about the former Soviet Union transporting missiles to Cuba and assembling them. Do you need centrifuges and heavy water reactors for assembly? Get ready for the $64,000 question: WHAT IF IRAN ALREADY HAS “The Bomb”? (I realize there is a chance I could be blowing the cover off of a massive intelligence operation. But, my instinct is that I am not. I have studied Prime Minister Netanyahu for thirty-five years and have a proven track record of being able to “read” him, with rare exception. He was genuinely upset, and still is. Yes, intercepting that ship headed for Gaza was a major triumph. But, he is DEEPLY worried about Iran’s facilities, and having a FIT over these negotiations. THAT is NO ACT.)
            Let me be clear: I mean no disrespect to any of our intelligence services, the Air Force, and all others charged with the security of the United States, but it is my fear we are “behind the curve” on this one. Because he has been sounding the alarm for so long, at this point Prime Minister Netanyahu has been written off as the “boy who cried wolf”, and we are not listening to him. Israel has done many things over the years to slow Iran’s progress; some the public knows about, and some we do not. Nevertheless, HE IS RIGHT about the threat, and his renewed sense of urgency and, I believe, so am I.
Now, I will begin with the second-most disturbing find of all, which is to say it is the most recent. Since September 11, 2012, accusations have swirled about Ambassador Stevens’ death: stand down orders, a C-130 in Tripoli loaded with Special Forces not allowed to take off, two carriers in the area loaded with fighter jets, one Admiral relieved of his command immediately and flown back to Washington, did anyone answer that proverbial 3 a.m. phone call, was the State Department simply unwilling to spend extra money on security, why were no arrests made, how did CNN and the NYT manage to find and interview the people allegedly responsible (I would like to know how The Times just happened to be on scene myself), Hillary’s infamous outburst of “What difference…at this point…does it make?”, etc.
            Everyone agrees Ansar al-Sharia (an affiliate of al-Qaeda), led by Mahammed al-Zawahi, was to blame. The people providing Stevens’ security were the Iraqi security force, the February 17th Martyrs Brigade, who had taken over Libya in July after Qaddafi’s death. Recently, it came to light that Stevens had been warned just a couple of days earlier that, if America did not stop supporting the secular candidate in Libya’s upcoming September 12th election, the Ambassador’s security force could no longer guarantee his safety. He sent a cable to that effect, and repeated his earlier requests for additional security.
            Here is the unthinkable piece of the puzzle: the February 17th Martyrs Brigade IS Ansar al-Sharia. They are/were one and the same group, led by al-Zawahi. America hired Ambassador Chris Stevens’ own killers. I do NOT suggest this was done on purpose. But, someone, somewhere FUCKED UP. Did this administration not have a counterterrorism operative anywhere who knew that information? Did one or more counterterrorism operatives try to warn this administration? Did they not “get the memo”? Did it sit on someone’s desk unnoticed until it was too late? We hired terrorists to protect an American Ambassador from THEMSELVES. Unthinkable.
            Let’s jump to more recent events. Libya has just been cited by the U.N.S.C. as supplying arms to everyone from Syria to Sudan all the way to Indonesia. North Korea is skirting sanctions, again according to the U.N.S.C.  
The capture of an Iranian ship bound for Gaza loaded with rockets. Prime Minister Netanyahu has been warning the United States about Iran for years, and we have not been paying attention. In fact, we are currently in the process of the second round of P5+1 talks negotiating Iran’s nuclear program. When that ship was intercepted by Israel, the world hardly took notice. If the international community knew the connections, geographically as well as the links between the various terrorist organizations, they would be shaking like I am.
            I will connect the dots in a moment. But, the Malaysian plane that “disappeared” and the knife attack at the train station a few days prior. Both had been predicted by officials in Thailand, and China had been forewarned. Counterterrorism experts are pointing the finger at J.I. the Jemaah Islamiya, a group based in Thailand where the stolen passports were sold. This group is also an al-Qaeda affiliate. Please remember both of these men were Iranian, and note the ethnic nature of the pilots’ names.
            New information has emerged that Lockerbie was the work of Iran, not Libya (as has been believed for all of these years), in association with the PFLP (People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine), an offshoot of the PLO responsible for terrorist acts for decades. Why would Iran enlist the aid of a Palestinian organization? The quick answer is a term with which spy novel fans are familiar: “Plausible Deniability”. (Much more follows on these alliances.)
            Syria. People who are not “in the know” think it is Bashir al-Assad vs. “freedom-fighters”. Russia backs Assad, and clandestinely (although the information is leaking out) America is backing the “rebels”. To be blunt, Syria is a terrorist cluster-fuck. The “rebels” consist of the FSA (Free Syria Army), the al-Nusra front, the Taliban, al-Qaeda (most, if not all, of the groups I am listing are affiliated with al-Qaeda), Hamas, Ansar al-Sharia, al-Shabaab, Islamic Jihad, the Tatars (more on them when I get to Crimea)…the list goes on, and then there are the individual terrorist wannabes who learned they could go kill people and have flocked to the area in droves.
            Assad’s team consists of his military and Iran/Hezbollah (a group based in Iran with another base in Lebanon). Here is the cluster-fuck part: Hezbollah supplies Hamas (remember the intercepted Iranian ship), and has for years. Yet, they are “fighting” each other in Syria. The various groups on the “rebel” side, when they cannot find an enemy to kill, turn on each other and kill members of their “allies”. (YouTube has plenty of videos that are very appetizing at dinnertime.) Why are Russia and Iran working together? More on that below.
            Why did Vladimir Putin ride in to save the day when the United States began saber-rattling over the chemical weapons attack of August 21st? (Never mind there had been fourteen other such attacks that evidently escaped our notice.) Remember all the leaks? In between all of the podium-pounding, red-faced speeches, by the time it was all over Syria knew everything about our plan of attack but the Social Security numbers of the crews and the exact time we were going to begin. (Note: Most of the questions I am posing are rhetorical; I will get to the answers.)
            Some of the 9/11 hijackers had documented ties to Palestinian organizations. Bin Laden lived in Khartoum, Sudan for several years. Many of the hijackers spent years going in and out of Iran. (As an aside, the recent uproar concerning the revelation that we had “a mole” inside of al-Qaeda, recruited out of Los Angeles and who later foiled an attempted terror attack there, is IRRESPONSIBLE AT BEST. No SHIT CIA develops assets. No fucking shit. Do you know how many years it takes to insert a mole into these terrorist networks? They are clan-based and check family backgrounds. They do not trust strangers very easily. How many moles will we now lose, either because they are afraid of being identified or because this administration JUST GOT THEM KILLED?)
            [SPECIFICS RE: ATTA, ET. AL.]
            Crimea seems to be unrelated to all of these other events. It is not. Approximately 15% of Crimea’s current population is Tatar. This group of people was much larger prior to World War II, when they were exiled and banned from Crimea by the USSR as alleged Nazi-collaborators. They were literally packed into box cars and sent out of the country. About half of them died in transit. Tatars settled in Turkey (back to THAT in a second), and were not allowed back into Crimea until Gorbachev assumed power. Naturally they distrust the Russians, which is why many Tatars have chosen to take up arms against Russia in Syria.
            Speaking of which, comparisons are being drawn between Ukraine and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Has anyone asked the questions: why are we “fighting” against Russia in Syria, (and doing nothing about Crimea)? Isn’t America supposed to have some sort of tenuous, cordial relationship with Russia these days?  Does that not also put us “at odds” with both them and Iran? Yet, from all appearances, we are now BFFs with Iran. We are “fighting” Hezbollah by aiding terrorist networks on the “other side”, while at the same time we are relieving sanctions on Hezbollah’s sponsor and negotiating with them.
            Which is the perfect lead-in to my next question: What is going on between the United States and Israel? Everyone remembers Obama’s infamous “death stare” at his press conference with Prime Minister Netanyahu a few years ago. What they may not have heard is what went on behind the scenes during that visit. The Prime Minister was brought in the back of the White House, rather than in front as Heads of State normally are. The two men had a major difference of opinion regarding how to deal with the so-called “Palestinians”, a dispute that continues to this day. So, POTUS went off in a huff, and left a Head of State alone for over an hour while he had dinner with the wife and kids and sulked. I have never heard of such abominable behavior by a President in my life. (There have been more public tantrums of which the public is aware; ordering the FAA to ground certain flights for a week in order to teach Congress a “lesson” is but one of them.)
            More recently, the public spectacle that occurred last fall was maddening. Secretary of State John Kerry had a public “presser” with his “good friend ‘Bibi’” before meeting with the Palestinian Authority for one of his attempts at playing peacemaker. Kerry proceeded to meet with Mahmoud Abbas, called the Israeli settlements “illegitimate”, and threatened the Prime Minister with a possible “Third Intifada” if “Bibi” did not acquiesce to Kerry’s vision of peace. Then, he jumped on a plane, went to Geneva, and said and did everything the exact opposite of what his “good friend ‘Bibi’” has ever said about Iran!
            Wait. It gets worse. After the dueling press conferences, where Prime Minister Netanyahu was nothing short of apoplectic, Kerry takes to the podium and begins making speeches about how he is doing what is “in the best interests of Israel”! (WHEN was he appointed Acting Prime Minister, or Israel’s Ambassador to the P5+1, or ANYTHING? Did Prime Minister Netanyahu “miss the memo”, because he certainly APPEARED to be upset?!) While Obama’s poker face has improved over the years, this administration’s actions belie its words. And, lately, Obama’s own words have shown Israel his true allegiance; remember all the times he has “warned” Prime Minister Netanyahu to do this or that. We have betrayed Israel. Why? (Yes, this has everything to do with the subject-at-hand; bear with me.)
            One portion of the Middle East that has largely been forgotten over the past year is Egypt. Let’s review. Hosni Mubarak was certainly no human rights activist, nor a saint. But he honored the peace treaty with Israel for THIRTY YEARS. Enter Obama. Mubarak gets ousted, which we publicly supported. Morsi, a card-carrying member of the Muslim Brotherhood (we are getting there), is elected “President”, and after his “democratic election” proceeded to suspend the Constitution, disband the government, and spent the next two years working to institute Sharia Law in Egypt. (By the way, the Muslim Brotherhood is no friend of Israel’s. That dates back to 1928; more in a minute.) The United States continues its financial aid, and we cozy up to Morsi. Then the people of Egypt rose up and got rid of him. THEN Obama denounces the “coup” (was the American Revolution a “coup”; as I recall, we took this place by force), suspends aid, refuses to supply previously-promised military equipment so that General al-Sisi can fight the terrorists (who are concentrated in the Sinai; remember Israel), and condemned Egypt’s designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization (it IS one; keep reading). Could the reason for our condemnation of Egypt’s designation be that we currently employ members of the Muslim Brotherhood in this administration, most notably in the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY?
            [LIST OF MB EMPLOYEES]
            The Muslim Brotherhood is not now, nor has it ever been, a “peaceful political organization”. It has been around since 1928 and is led by someone titled the “Grand Mufti”. Grand Mufti al-Husseini was friends with Hitler, and he advised Hitler to “kill all the Jews wherever you may find them”. Where did that come from? The Koran, and the same sentiment is expressed in the Hamas Charter of 1987:  “The day of Judgement (sic) will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say o muslims, o Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”
            The Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization of Hamas, al-Qaeda, and its tentacles reach into most, if not all, of the 100+ terror organizations listed on the Counterterrorism website ( It is based in Turkey, and about a year ago a book came out chronicling the fact that, other than the possible exception of Great Britain, POTUS spends more time on the telephone with Turkey than with any other nation [REFERENCE].
            Let me back up for one second. There is a 2009 document that was smuggled out of Jordan in which the Muslim Brotherhood expresses interest in joining forces with Russia for the purpose of eradicating “the American-Zionist plan”:
            The Muslim Brotherhood, which dispatched fighters to defeat Soviet forces in Afghanistan and more recently has been accused of supporting Chechen militants against Moscow, is now considering developing ties with Russia in order to oppose Israel and the United States, according to a report on a Russian-language Israeli website. On August 23, Mikhail Fal’kov reports, a confidential document that had been prepared by the Muslim Brotherhood concerning the possibility that that group would develop ties with Russia in order to combat Israel and the US appeared on the Ammon News portal site in Arabic (…In his article on the Russian-language Israel portal, Fal’kov not only describes the contents of the document but provides context for what would be a remarkable – he calls it a “180-degree” – change in the direction of one of the most radically anti-Russian groups in the Muslim world ( Such a change would give Russia not only an additional lever in the Middle East and the Islamic world more generally, a lever Moscow may assume is its to command given American support for Israel, but also help Moscow deal with anti-Russian Islamic militants in the North Caucasus by depriving them of the support of a group that has long been on their side. According to Fal’kov, a week ago, the Jordanian section of the Association of Muslim Brotherhoods was “practically paralyzed” as its leaders searched for “the traitor” who had leaked what he describes as “a secret document of extraordinary importance” that could cost the government its permitted status in Jordan because of its “anti-government character.” The concerns of the Muslim Brotherhood leadership were all the greater because, as Fal’kov said a source in Israeli government had told him, the Jordanian intelligence service had been involved in the seizure of the document and had given it to the media for public dissemination and discussion. The most interesting aspect of the document, Fal’kov continues, is its discussion of the possibility that the Muslim Brotherhood might decide to cooperate with rather than oppose Moscow, a shift that if it took place could have major consequences not only in the Middle East but in Russia’s North Caucasus. “Russia is trying to establish its former international status,” the document says, “and to return to a situation in which it was a balancing force in the international arena, as a counterweight to the United States. This is being done,” it continues, “with the use of forces” as in Georgia intended to weaken Washington’s probes against it. The Muslim Brotherhood document also notes that “Russia has achieved serious success by means of its agreement with Iran about the transfer to it of resources, information and technology, and all of this is taking place in parallel with efforts undertaken jointly with China not to allow the application of force against the Iranian nuclear program.” But despite these successes, the document suggests, “Russia all the same has not yet achieved the necessary level in order to stand up to American force.” And consequently, the confidential Muslim Brotherhood document suggests, those who support the Brotherhood’s goals need to reflect on what to do. Specifically, it says that “one must think through a project of interaction with Russia. From this arises the necessity of increasing the political ties between Russia and the Muslim Brotherhoods in order to stand up to the American-Zionist plan, which considers the Islamic world as a target” rather than as something with which it can cooperate. As Fal’kov points out, there are two intriguing aspects to this document: On the one hand, it calls for a “180-degree change in the traditional policy of the Muslim Brotherhoods toward Moscow,” a change that Fal’kov highlights by considering the anti-Russian actions of the Brotherhoods over the last 40 years. But on the other, the document’s reference to expanding rather than creating such ties suggests, Fal’kov continues, that in fact Russian and perhaps earlier Soviet intelligence operatives had been involved with the Muslim Brotherhoods, even when the two sides were ideologically at daggers drawn. It is of course far from clear whether this document is genuine. All those involved in its revelation and discussion have their own reasons for putting it out now. But its content is not implausible, and consequently, the changes it points to in Moscow’s relations with a group the Russian government says its opposes should ought to attract the closest scrutiny.

The Muslim Brotherhood has since forged that alliance. Putin has his own reasons for it; I will include those if I have time. Meanwhile, Turkey is in a state of turmoil and will likely erupt before their elections. Because of their economic conditions, Turkey has been considering a relationship with Russia for that purpose. Again, Turkey is the home of the Muslim Brotherhood, and remember they have infiltrated the American government. This organization has become so emboldened it is not even really trying to hide it anymore. Just ask Great Britain. The U.K. is having its own problems with these fanatics, and other places, like Norway, have become firmly entrenched.
            (I am sitting on a powder keg, so in case I run out of time let me go ahead and state my claim and pray the dots will be connected if for some reason I am not able to finish): ANYONE ENDORSING ANY ORGANIZATION OR PERSON(S) ASSOCIATED WITH THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD FOR ANY REASON IS ENDORSING THE EXTERMINATION OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL, and her allies.
            All evidence points, not to a Nazi Germany situation, but to a much more alarming situation. The forces that encouraged Hitler’s “Solution” to “the Jewish problem” (Israel) are now strategically in a position to ACCOMPLISH it.
            [COVER ALL OF IRAN’S HISTORY SINCE 1979? Afghanistan? Iraq?]
            [DETAIL PUTIN’S MOVES]